How to Apply

A step-to-step guide to getting your loan!

1 Submit online application form

2 Wait for approval on the same day (we only contact successful applicants)

3 Ready 4 types of documents for our office use (3 months payslip, 3 months bank statement, 1 Photostat IC, 1 month Electricity Bill)

4 Upon approval, send your loan via bank transfer or case on the same day (upon approval)

Repayment Scheme 1.5% One Month (Unsecured Loan)

Total Loan 6 Months 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years
10,000.00 1,816.70 983.30 566.70 427.80 358.30 316.70
20,000.00 3,633.30 1966.70 1133.30 855.50 716.70 633.30
30,000.00 5,450.00 295.00 1700.00 1,283.30 1,075.00 950.00
40,000.00 7,266.70 3,933.30 2,266.70 1,711.10 1,433.30 1,266.70
50,000.00 9,083.30 4,916.70 2,833.30 2,138.90 1,791.70 1,583.30
60,000.00 10,900.00 5,900.00 3,400.00 2,566.70 2,150.00 1,900.00
70,000.00 12,716.70 6,883.30 3,966.70 2,994.40 2,508.30 2,216.70
80,000.00 14,533.30 7,866.70 4,533.30 3,422.20 2,866.70 2,533.30
90,000.00 16,350.00 8,850.00 5,100.00 3,850.00 3,225.00 2,850.00
100,000.00 18,166.70 9,833.30 5,666.70 4,277.80 3,583.30 3,166.70


Repayment Scheme 1.0% One Month (Secured Loan)

Total Loan 6 Months 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years
10,000.00 1,766.70 933.30 516.70 377.80 308.30 266.70
20,000.00 3,533.30 1,866.70 1,033.30 755.60 616.70 533.30
30,000.00 5,300.00 2,800.00 1,550.00 1,133.30 925.00 800.00
40,000.00 7,066.70 3,733.30 2,066.70 1,511.10 1,233.30 1,066.70
50,000.00 8,883.30 4,666.70 2,583.30 1,888.90 1,541.70 1,333.30
60,000.00 10,600.00 5,600.00 3,100.00 2,266.70 1,850.00 1,600.00
70,000.00 12,366.70 6,533.30 3,616.70 2,644.40 2,158.30 1,866.70
80,000.00 14,133.30 7,466.70 4,133.30 3,022.20 2,466.70 2,133.30
90,000.00 15,900.00 8,400.00 4,650.00 3,400.00 2,775.00 2,400.00
100,000.00 17,667.0 9,333.30 5,166.70 3,777.80 3,083.30 2,666.70